Here are some of the three thousand photographs I took while in South Africa, Aug/Sept of 2004. The best are at the end, so hold tight while it loads! ~Cyndie
Thursday, August 04, 2005
street vendors along side the highway coming down into the Low Veld to the Kruger Park.
Hi, My name is Cyndie Planck. I live in the PNW, in Beaverton Or. This blog is a bit different, it's just postings of photos I have taken. I am in the photography industry and do some freelance work on the side. Here are some of my photos from South Africa 2004. Please do not take these, use as your own or use on your websites. These images are copyrighted and belong to me. Please contact me if you need info or permission to use these images.
beautiful mountain in the background...great capture:-))
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